Verified Work for Freelancers

Make sure your clients pay you on time, every time

Don’t wait for your money – making clients pay can sometimes take weeks or even months. PayNinja secures the full payment in trust so you get paid immediately after you deliver your work.

Ditch Upwork and other marketplaces

Make your clients pay via PayNinja and forget about the up to 20% fees. PayNinja fully replaces marketplace payment systems with safe, efficient and low cost transactions all over the world.

Onboard clients with 1 link

It’s easy to secure the money via PayNinja. Just  send out your contract with one click without the need  to create a public profile. We’ll take care of the rest.

I used to email my clients several times and then wait for a couple of weeks before getting paid. Now I'm paid within minutes after returning my work.

Enrico Di Pasquale
Java Script Developer

Get paid faster.