For Freelancers

How it works

Get your clients started

Track hours worked

Document daily progress

Know how time is spent

Get paid on time

Step I 1

Get your clients started

Create a contract quickly and send to your client via email or chat. Your client simply joins PayNinja with their email address to view and accept the job so you can get started right away.

Step I 2

Track hours worked

Install the PayNinja tools that sit in the background. The app takes screen captures, monitors keystrokes and apps used as you choose the project, task and activity type you work on for each of your projects.

Step I 3

Document daily progress

Take a couple of minutes at the end of each day to reflect and ensure you have all you need to set you up for success the next work day. Document any wins/challenges and send to your client to keep your contract on schedule.

Step I 4

Know how time is spent

Ever get to the end of the day and think: “Where did all that time go?” Get insights on how your work day is spent. With PayNinja both you and your client know exactly what is keeping you from doing your best work.

Step I 5

Get paid on time

For hourly contracts, the PayNinja AI calculates the total number of hours you have worked and generates an invoice accordingly so you get paid as soon as you finish work.

Powerful Features

Using PayNinja you save time and money by getting paid immediately while increasing your productivity

Increases productivity

With the PayNinja time monitor you feel incentivized to focus and stay away from distractions. It drastically improves your productivity and helps you make more money.

Verifies working hours

Don't spend time filling in spreadsheets and proving you have done the work. Instead, let our AI verify your working hours and code commits for you and generate an invoice accordingly.

Automates global payments

Receive payment automatically after you finish your work no matter where in the world you are located. Choose from PayPal or a number of available cryptocurrencies.

I used to email my clients several times and then wait for a couple of weeks before getting paid. Now I'm paid within minutes after returning my work.

Enrico Di Pasquale
Java Script Developer

Don’t chase payment. Get paid faster without the fees.